Space mountain…

I wake up every morning with my ticket in hand. Ready for my daily rollercoaster ride. No two days are alike. Some days the ride is rather tame, almost meditative. Others the ride leaves me nauseous and sore. Today was the latter. It is my fault. I jinxed the day. Late last night I felt good. I turned into bravado Ian. I said to my wife “I might be turning the corner”. I missed that turn, went through the corner and crashed headlong into a brick wall. I hate when bravado Ian shows up and jinxes things. He is a nice enough fella but at times a bit of a goofy cheerleader. Today would be difficult to describe in a coherent sentence. So many topics to choose from. Pain, crusting, cracking, seeping, bleeding, peeling. In technical terms; a yucky day. The 5 days after treatment are said to be the worst. I can vouch for that. The fiery-paper-cut pain is gone. Replaced by what can only be described as hit-by-a-shovel-in-the-face pain. Both of my cheekbones feel deeply bruised. My face thumps with almost every heartbeat. But it is all good, I got this. I am gonna turn that corner. Soon, very soon. 
I write this as we wait for my friend Randy Meier to stop by. My daughter thinks Randy has the best hair on TV. She also thinks he is 32, Silly girl. Friends near and far. I have heard from so many of you. My dear friend Sari reached out on Facebook. It can be hard to see the nice Facebook posts, what with everyone’s social media feeds filled with political “facts”. Thank you Sari, shalom. Friends have made a world of difference during this time. I hope I can be that friend in return somewhere down the line. 
Gotta go, the rollercoaster is pulling into the platform. Please keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times…
Day 30. Thanks for stopping by.
God bless,

Couple of sets of pics. Blue shirt pictures are at noon today…Grey shirts pictures are 6 PM today. 

Author: ianmn

FOX 9 Chief Meteorologist Ian my life, love my wife, love my daughters and love my dog...kinda like the cat. I am the #stayskyaware dude.

20 thoughts on “Space mountain…”

  1. Desperate times require desperate measures. You are an inspiration and I know you will prevail. My thought, this too shall pass although it may feel like a kidney stone. Onward my friend!


  2. You are almost to the finish line Ian..hang in thrie a little longer and you will make it..I send you all the hope and prayer your way..May God be with you my friend and hope to see you back on channel 9 soon..


  3. Owww 😦 I send you gentle hugs for better days ahead! Underneath is going to be strong new skin ready to take on the world for you again. Keep going!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ian I feel like you are still humorous even in pain..I admire that..You are so strong..After three strokes I am also very strong against pain..I am 100% only because I trusted the Lord..because my days on earth were not finished.. you are so courageous and I know you have a long way to exist here to speak and inform us about the Sun and Fun..Thanks for shring your insights..Love you Ian ❤


  5. ET,(not the space alien)
    Have followed you every day. My struggle with leukemia seems very small compared to what you are going threw. But with God’s help and your faith in him I know you will make it. Hurry back to all the people who care for you, besides your family I mean. Always in my prayers.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. U are so funny my friend! I’ll never forget the night u dropped a great Frank Zappa quote on evening news I think you said “Great Google Moogli!”. I’m a big FZ fan as well! Dweezil was just in town. I missed too….😕


  7. Oh Ian, I am so truly sorry for your pain. You are in my thoughts/prayers/good vibes daily, in hopes you heal quickly, and this nightmare will be a thing of the past! You are surrounded by lots of love, and admiration!!!


  8. Hello my friend, mr. nobody here. Bravado is ok, it derives from the word “Brave”, which describes your outer attitude. (Yeah right) right? To quote my self: “Lord, I carried this cross last week and this week and yesterday, I don’t feel like carrying it today.” and then he says: “my precious child, do not be afraid, just have faith.” Man, I sure do miss that old weather guy on fox 9, he gave weather a farmer could trust. I hope he’s doin ok. Matt G.

    Sent from my iPhone



  9. Hi Ian. Love the picture of the socks that your “friend” Randy brought you – haha. They made me laugh. I’m sure they made you howl. I think your face is looking better today. Things are looking up. Keep the faith – you’ve got this! Each day just gets better. I’m not a French fry person – but for some reason now I’m craving them……….


  10. Definitely photos to teach others to avoid sun exposure! Ian, I am so happy that you are on the healing side of this. Just DON’T pick the scabs so you scar! Thank you for opening up to your fans and showing us what you have had to endure from past years of “Fun in the Sun” May God bless you and your family. Please know that you are appreciated!


  11. Keep the faith Ian! A year ago I was bald from the chemo I had for breast cancer. Today I am sporting a cute pixie cut! A year ago I didn’t think this day would ever come. I have a friend who survived breast cancer, but her hair never grew back because of the Taxotere chemo she was given. As you have said many times, it could always be worse and there are others who suffer a great deal more. One day at a time….


  12. Ian, I pray every day that your pain and suffering will subside very soon. You are a very brave man. Thank you for sharing your photos so we will be able to see how you continue to progress. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Just remember things could always be worse. I pray they become better for you each and every day. Tell Jasper Hi.


  13. Sorry for the pain you are in, but hope, you are a very strong person. God Bless and prayers sent your way.
    fully it will pay off in the long run


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